Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The first baby on the farm, Pooper!

Well, technically he was the second born.  His twin died at 10 days old so he is the only remaining baby.  I thought he was a girl for the first week or so.  I checked for 2 boobies when they were born and there were indeed 2.  It wasn't until I saw 'her' pee from the wrong place that I figured it out.  I was so heartbroken I almost couldn't handle it.  I couldn't keep a boy.  I could only have a herd sire.  This was tragic.  I loved this little goat more than any other creature on earth.  I helped him into this world.  How could I send him to a new home?  How would they treat him?  What would they feed him?

It took me a few weeks before I decided that I could never let this fellow out of my sight.  I loved him far too much to let him go simply because he had the 'wrong' anatomy.  As painful as it was I whethered him and he is still with me.

Pooper got his name by chance.  When his twin was still alive they stayed in the kitchen at night and on the cold, rainy days.  Since their mother had no milk we had to bottle feed them.  You can potty train a goat but I haven't had luck poo training a goat!  Their little pellets are easy to sweep up and it's no big deal.  Many times a day I would be sweeping poo pellets.  I started to call them my little poopers.  Well, when there was only one left he became my little Pooper.  I thought to name him Casper (the friendly goat) but we never called him that.  He is my little Pooper :)

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