Wednesday, January 15, 2014


This is likely my best accomplishment.  After years of using the deodorant crystals I tested high for aluminum.  It took me a few more years to figure out why.  And, so the search started for a completely natural deodorant that wouldn't leave me with Alzheimer's. 

I did end up finding one brand that fit my bill but it didn't fit my pocketbook.  Coming in at $10 for a small container I knew I could do better.  Especially considering it had a tiny application spatula included in the container.  What does one do with a tiny spatula?  One drops very expensive deodorant all over the floor!

I made a mental note of the ingredients they were using and went to the drawing board.  My first few attempts were not successful.  They did the job but they were too soft.  I wanted something that could be applied like regular deodorant.  After failing with liquid deodorant (the essential oils ruin the spray nozzle after a short time) I wanted something a bit more traditional.  It took some serious experimentation but I came up with a good recipe.  It's all organic and it lasts until your next shower.  If you skip a day for showering your deodorant doesn't wear off.  I find that to be a nice feature for times that I sleep over and want to wait until I get home to shower.

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