Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Sweet Pea was my very first goat.  Well... I brought her home first at any rate.  I cuddled with her first and fell in love with her first.

We had a bit of a rough start as she was rather young but knew nothing of bottle feeding.  The lady I bought her from made it sound like it would be no big deal to switch a nursing baby straight to a bottle and my determination to take this furry friend home with me won out!  

I soon realized just how hungry a kid could get and still turn her nose up at the bottle.  It took a solid week to get her to entertain the idea of giving up on the voluntary starvation and consider having a little snack.  The grass just wasn't doing it for her.  She needed something more.  I knew this.  She knew this. The bottle knew this.  Opening her mouth and inserting the bottle while squirting milk down her throat might have affected the outcome just a wee bit.  It wasn't until Poppy arrived that she truly became proficient with the bottle though.

It was April 9th of 2012 that Sweet Pea joined my family.  After what seems like an eternity my first 'baby' is about to have babies!  She was once so slender and sleek.  Now she has a big belly and appears to have doubled in size.  I'll be surprised if she only has twins!

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