Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Beauty sticks hot off the press! These little treasures will be good for wrinkles, cellulite, skin conditions, and the list goes on!

My blend is heavy on the cocoa butter and sweet orange oil. Here is some info:

COCOA BUTTER: Helps boost your immune system: CMP may help suppress T-cell activity in your immune system, helping certain conditions such as psoriasis and chronic fatigue syndrome.
Major moisturizing powers: Ever wonder why pregnant women reach for cocoa butter enriched products to rub on their bellies? Cocoa butter is loaded with vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C, and E and has the ability to moisturize like no other.
Helps your skin look younger: Cocoa butter is rich in antioxidants, which help in fighting off free radicals. Free radicals destroy healthy skin cells, damaging your skin and making it age faster. An added bonus: cocoa butter may also protect your skin from the harmful effects of the sun’s UV rays.
The benefits of cocoa butter on face are quite incredible because cocoa butter penetrates deeply into the skin to give a glowing and healthy look.

SWEET ORANGE: Overall- skin care, obesity and water retention; dull, oily, puffy skin, wrinkles; strengthens epidermis, increases circulation, cell hydration, supports cell regeneration.

Sweet Orange essential oil is shown to promote the production of collagen as well as increase the blood flow to the skin. It is helpful at soothing dry, irritated skin as well as acne-prone skin. It is excellent for rubbing on calluses on the feet.

It reduces puffiness and removes fine lines from the skin. This oil discourages the formation of wrinkles, and hence delays aging. It promotes blood flow towards the skin and brings a natural radiance to it.
It inhibits microbial growth, and thus sterilizes cuts and wounds. The application of this oil on an injury, protects it from getting infected with pathogenic bacteria and fungus.
This oil has a soothing and refreshing effect on your mind and soul, and reduces restlessness and tension.
It relieves fatigue and revitalizes you. It acts as an anti-depressant, especially for women, during menstruation and menopause.
Other benefits include, the promotion of creative and positive thinking and supporting right brain functioning.
It provides relief from both internal and external inflammation caused by infections. It is helpful in treating swollen tissue by stimulating blood circulation.
D-limonene is a super-nutrient that occurs in Orange Essential Oil. It has been studied extensively for its ability to prevent cellular mutations and combat cancer tumor growth.

Orange Essential Oil shows photo-toxicity, do not apply before going out in the sun.

To order:

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