Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Success at the Cabin

I now have an  awning over my half ruined door.  I was so excited when I found a door that was the exact size that I wanted and it was mostly window.  This is great!  It saves me cutting another hole and finding yet another window.  How awesome is that?  A door that also functions as a really large window.  Perfect!

Well, it turns out that this was NOT an exterior door and after getting rained on it started to look... pretty nasty.  I refuse to remove my extremely large window and try to search out another door that will be the exact size I need.  The alternative?  Build an awning that will also serve as a balcony and a deck.

The balcony and deck have yet to be completed as one must have 3 jobs in order to afford decking boards but there is NO way my door will be getting wet now.  I also informed my dad that I require a veneered door.  Strip off all of that nastiness and apply beautiful veneer.  I think it's a fabulous idea :)

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