Wednesday, January 15, 2014


This is Countess.  She is the purebred Nubian I traded for Peek-a-Boo.  I think I made out pretty well!  The lady I got her from complained that she had to spend 15 minutes catching her in order to milk her.  I have a sneaking suspicion that might have something to do with the homemade milking contraption she used on this poor girl.  She even had a bruised teat when I picked her up.

I have to admit that she can be timid at times but this pretty girl and I bonded fairly quickly.  She gives me kisses and really does her best to do what she thinks will impress me.  I would go so far as to say that she has remarkable intuition.  She can be testy on the stanchion and give a kick or 2 but I remedied this problem.  I simply elevate one of her legs and that only leaves one leg on the ground.  To kick that leg would be uncomfortable to say the least.  Problem solved.  No more spilled milk. 

Countess LOVES babies and is basically Pooper's surrogate mother.  I'm curious to see how she will act once there are lots of babies running around.  Will she steal from the others?!

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