Wednesday, January 15, 2014

I am currently offering salve sticks for a variety of purposes. These are conveniently small and easy to carry. Application leaves your hands clean and dry. What I have so far follows:

Comfrey - The traditional therapeutic actions of comfrey include demulcent (soothes mucous membranes), cell proliferant, pectoral (relieves disorders of the chest and lung), astringent, nutritive, tonic, expectorant, hemostatic, alterative (promotes a beneficial change in the body), vulnerary (heals fresh cuts and wounds), mucilage and styptic (arrests hemorrhage and bleeding). These claims have been backed by thousands of years of successful, albeit anecdotal evidence.

Its ability to knit flesh and bones together has been known from the beginning. It will promote healthy cells but not malignant ones. The monks used comfrey for its ability to cure bronchial disorders and injuries. It's uses are ENDLESS!

Camphor - Camphor crystals have strong antiseptic, stimulant and antispasmodic properties and are applied externally as balms or as a counter-irritant and analgesic liniment to relieve arthritic and rheumatic pains, neuralgia and back pain. Camphor may also be applied to skin problems, such as cold sores and used as a chest rub for bronchitis and other chest infections.

Relieves pain, increases blood flow and treats infections. Camphor can also be used to treat certain skin problems that cause pain, swelling and itching. It's often an ingredient in over-the-counter lotions that numb nerve endings, which reduces the itching caused by hives, rashes and allergies. Camphor is a popular ingredient in alternative therapies for treating acne and eczema, because it appears to reduce the redness and irritation associated with these troublesome skin conditions.

Thieves - Thieves Oil is a blend of five essential oils that are scientifically documented to be highly anti-infectious, antiviral, antibacterial, and antiseptic. This combination of healing oils covers a broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity and contains properties that strengthen the immune system. Due to its effectiveness against highly infectious germs, including viruses and bacteria, it is one of nature’s most powerful natural home remedies.

Calming - A blend of lavender and benzoin. This one smells amazing! The benefits of these oils are not limited to their calming effects though...

Benzoin essential oil is commonly used to help treat cuts, chapped skin, inflamed and irritated conditions, arthritis, gout, poor circulation, rheumatism, asthma, bronchitis, chills, colic, coughs, laryngitis, flu, nervous tension and stress related complaints.

Lavender essential oil has uses in culinary, cosmetics and medicine. It is effective to cure headaches, especially when related to stress, to clear depression associated with weakness and depression. Externally, lavender essential oil has been used as a stimulating liniment to help ease aches and pains of rheumatism.

Perfume Sticks: I have a blend of cedar and vanilla. The vanilla warms up the cedar and gives it a hint of sweetness. It is very earthy and quite unique.

As always I have LOTS of soap!! I ordered more oil so new fragrances will be ready shortly.

Kidding season starts in less than a month for me. I will have milk and pet goats available. Likely there will be some worthy of the show ring as well.

Interested in learning more or ordering?  Go to: 

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