Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Goat milk soap

Now that you are acquainted with my goats we can move on.

Once Pooper was weaned and we had kefir coming out of our ears it was time to find a new outlet for all of my goat milk.  Kefir cheese is wonderful by the way...

Since I have numerous allergies and sensitivities I hate buying commercial products.  I had been looking for an acceptable shampoo for quite some time and finally settled on liquid African black soap.  It had none of the chemicals or other nasties that regular shampoo had.  My hair was not soft and lustrous though.  Nor did I have anything gentle to wash my face with.  The black soap is a bit drying for me.

So my quest started for a completely natural soap that fit all of my needs and that meant I had to make it myself.  I just happened to have an abundance of raw, organic goat milk so the logical thing to do would be to make goat milk soap.  And, that's what I did! 

After a few weeks I had all of my various ingredients (they came from various places as no one vendor had everything I needed in an organic variety) arrived and it was time for a test batch.  I expected my first batch to turn out horribly so I didn't wait to full 4 weeks for it to cure.  After about 4 days I decided I had waited long enough.  I cut off a piece and gave it to my dad to test out.  He still hasn't shut up about it!  He thinks it's the best thing ever.  I guess all of that research paid off.

I now have about 15 different varieties of soap and I have branched out into even more products.

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