Saturday, April 19, 2014

Refinishing My Claw Foot Tub

As I was shopping around for a claw foot tub for my cabin I quickly realized that these little guys are fetching a high price.  If you want one that is in good shape you better be prepared to pay!

After weeks of stalking Craigslist I saw an ad for a tub for only $65.  The ad clearly stated that it needed to be refinished.  But, for $65 it was impossible to pass up.  The photos made it look to be in fairly good condition and to be honest it was for the most part.  There were some rusty spots on the lip and around the faucet area but other than that it could have been used as it was. 

I decided to give it a makeover as I clearly don't have enough projects going on already!  Plus, it is easier to do this before it's installed than a few years down the road when it really needs it.  So, I bought my enamel kit which was only like $33 on Ebay and quite easy to find.  I would say that anywhere such as Home Depot or Lowe's would carry them.

Sanding and cleaning the tub took the most time out of everything.  I likely did much more sanding than necessary but I want it to look as good as it can after all.  Applying the enamel only took about 15 minutes per coat.  It wasn't quite as warm as the instructions recommended but rain was imminent and I didn't want to have to sand again once the moisture caused rusty spots where I had sanded down to bare metal.

I can't say how the enamel will hold up as it isn't even fully cured yet but so far so good.

The first photo is the tub before I started on it.

The second photo is the tub after sanding and cleaning.

The third photo is the tub after the first coat of enamel.

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