Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Bathroom Cabinet

Now that the floors are done I have quite a bit of excess or unusable wood.  Considering that I paid for this wood I would rather not burn it.  So, I had to figure out a way to put it to use.  And, considering my fiber-less state I cannot finish constructing the exterior walls until I have the fiber to insulate with.

I couldn't think of anything to work on aside from the sinks.  Since the bathroom sink is much smaller than the kitchen sink and won't have surrounding counters to deal with it seemed like the perfect place to start.

I started the main structure by fastening the oak flooring together.  This is a dangerous task!  Those nails ricochet right off of the wood and have no trouble at all finding my face. 

I want my bathroom cabinet to have at least 2 shelves and I couldn't figure out a way to do that aside from making "legs" for them to stand on.  This also makes the feet a bit more sturdy as there is more floor coverage.

My first attempt at mounting the sink was abandoned partly due to the fact that this contraption just kept getting taller and TALLER!  The height itself was perfectly fine by me but it looked rather odd.  Plus, I figured out a better, more secure way of constructing this. 

The best part of this sink is the rails that it sits on.  I have never seen anything like it and I didn't even notice it when I bought the thing.  But, currently I am basking in the glory of it.  These rails fit perfectly into the tongue OR groove of the flooring. 

I also have an abundance of short pieces of cedar leftover from the walls.  What better material to make shelves out of?  I will use the cedar to encase the portions of the cabinet that I want closed in as well.  Still lots to do but it's a start :)

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