Saturday, April 19, 2014

Building My First Wall... Ever!

I have started constructing the first wall of my cabin.  It will be the only wall too!  It's not a typical wall.  It is going to zig and zag.  In order to have my claw foot tub in the position I want it in I had to get creative with my wall building.  When I placed the windows I did so envisioning laying in my tub gazing out the window.  Okay, so maybe there are 2 windows to gaze out of from the tub...

Well, seeing as my cabin is tiny I was having considerable difficulty making the floor plan I wanted actually function.  In order to have the kitchen wide enough so that the refrigerator and oven doors are able to open I had to recess part of the bathroom wall to give me the additional space I needed.  All of this because of my claw foot tub.  It is 60 inches long and I was unwilling to give up on my window gazing so the space had to come from somewhere.  So, I made a short section of wall just long enough for the width of the tub and the rest of the wall will be recessed for the stove and refrigerator.  I've only constructed the part of the wall that is the width of my bathtub so far...

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