Sunday, March 23, 2014

2014 Garden

I think I overdid it on seed starts this year.  But, last year my garden was a total failure even though I put an incredible amount of time and work into it.  My auto timer for my watering system failed multiple times and drowned my plants.  I ended up with a few tomatoes and some strawberries and that is about it.

My dreams of canning all fall were squashed like a cockroach.  I decided early on that the same disappointment would NOT be taking place this year and I started researching plant varieties in like... October!  I made my final selections and ordered enough seeds to feed a small city.  I thought that whittling my tomato selection down to 11 varieties was quite the feat!  Nobody else seems to share that thought.

I spent hours transplanting little plants today and I have run out of space to put them.  I ran out of potting containers too.  But, I should have food for certain this year as I ordered many Russian varieties of many different items.  The nights here aren't warm enough for long enough to set fruit on many plants so I'm trying a different approach.  I have tomatoes that are supposed to set fruit in 45 days!  If that holds true I will be eating fresh tomatoes before everyone else even has a plant in the ground.  I also have tomatoes that are claimed to set fruit in temperatures of 38 degrees!  I will NOT be foiled this year!!

I have a wide variety of stuff to go in the ground this year but I certainly want to expand once my little experiment proves successful.  I also plan to start saving seeds so I never have to buy them again :)

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