Friday, March 28, 2014

Tongue & Groove Cedar Walls

The cabin is coming along rather nicely. This is as eco friendly as I could come up with given the limited resources at hand. Construction has come to a screeching halt due to the fact that I have run out of alpaca fiber and I still have quite a lot of insulating to do. 

The walls are tongue & groove cedar which will help combat any pests that may be interested in making a home in my alpaca insulation.  I have also used clove and lavender oils as a deterrent as well.  So far so good.


Oak Floor Installation

Utility grade oak flooring gives a rustic feel and saves lots of money at the same time. Installation takes longer but at 1/4 the price (or less) it is well worth it for those of us on a budget. It also comes completely unfinished so nothing toxic embedded in this wood!

Cedar Cabin

Cedar sure gives a natural feel and looks beautiful as well. This cabin is sealed with perilla oil which is an entirely natural oil made from the perilla plant. The oil is high in omega 3 as well as a natural sealant for wood. There are no toxic fumes or off gassing to worry about.

 Photo: Cedar cabin

Sunday, March 23, 2014

2014 Garden

I think I overdid it on seed starts this year.  But, last year my garden was a total failure even though I put an incredible amount of time and work into it.  My auto timer for my watering system failed multiple times and drowned my plants.  I ended up with a few tomatoes and some strawberries and that is about it.

My dreams of canning all fall were squashed like a cockroach.  I decided early on that the same disappointment would NOT be taking place this year and I started researching plant varieties in like... October!  I made my final selections and ordered enough seeds to feed a small city.  I thought that whittling my tomato selection down to 11 varieties was quite the feat!  Nobody else seems to share that thought.

I spent hours transplanting little plants today and I have run out of space to put them.  I ran out of potting containers too.  But, I should have food for certain this year as I ordered many Russian varieties of many different items.  The nights here aren't warm enough for long enough to set fruit on many plants so I'm trying a different approach.  I have tomatoes that are supposed to set fruit in 45 days!  If that holds true I will be eating fresh tomatoes before everyone else even has a plant in the ground.  I also have tomatoes that are claimed to set fruit in temperatures of 38 degrees!  I will NOT be foiled this year!!

I have a wide variety of stuff to go in the ground this year but I certainly want to expand once my little experiment proves successful.  I also plan to start saving seeds so I never have to buy them again :)

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Raw Goat's Milk Soap

Raw goat's milk soap is natural, healthy and luxurious for your skin and hair. Waving Tree Farm goat milk soap is made from the highest quality organic ingredients that have shown to be hypoallergenic thus far.

Goat's milk has been used since ancient times as a natural cleanser. It is one of the finest natural moisturizers that we have at our disposal and it has excellent emollient properties. Goat's milk contains vitamin A and several B vitamins including riboflavin, niacin, B6, B12.

There are 3 categories to choose from and they all are 100% natural, dye-free, chemical-free and farm fresh:

Basic Fresh Goat's Milk Soap Essential Oil choice:
Camphor, Citronella, Lemongrass, Rosemary, Sweet Basil or Sweet Orange

Fancy Fresh Raw Goat's Milk Soap Essential Oil choice:
Anise Star, Benzoin, Eucalyptus, Fir Needle, Himalayan Cedar, Lavender, Pine Needle, Vanilla, Virginia Cedarwood or Wintergreen

Deluxe Fresh Raw Goat's Milk Soap Essential Oil choice:
Cypress, Moisturizing or Patchouli

To learn more about Waving Tree Farm feel free to visit: