Thursday, February 27, 2014 is BORN!!

I have spent a ridiculous amount of time over the past month building my new website.  I'm sure it could have been done in MUCH less time if one had any experience with computers at all.  That would NOT be me!  I'm computer illiterate and struggled immensely to complete this project.  Luckily, I had some help and moral support to get me through the toughest times.

It may not be a stunning site of incredible beauty but... it is MINE and I feel good for accomplishing something that I never thought I could accomplish.  As I learn more I will be updating and beautifying but for now it's done and ready to serve its purpose.  Feel free to check it out!

Spring Kids are Underfoot!

There is nothing quite like watching kids perform acrobatics all over the yard.  They are such a joy to watch and be around.  Their antics are absolutely hysterical and I only wish I had that much energy!

I feel sorry for Countess.  She puts up with kids climbing and crawling all over her.  They have NO respect for their elders.  They will get a running start and charge right over to a poor, unsuspecting goat and jump up, using the goat as a trampoline, kick off of them and before they know what hit them the kid is long gone!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

2014 Kids

Kidding season stormed right by!  This is the first kid and a bit of a surprise.  He came from my dads goat that I swore was a hermaphrodite as she bullied my buck and wouldn't let him near her.  He pulled a fast one when nobody was looking and she has a robust baby boy.

She is a red goat and he looks nothing like her or his sire.  Since his dams name is Cocoa we named him Nibs.  He is a spunky little fella!